All posts by John

3 Steps to Prevent Frost Damage on Tomatoes

The Easy 3 Steps to Prevent Frost Damage on Tomato

Growing tomatoes are the most sought out vegetable for a home gardener. There is something special about trying to produce the best growing tomatoes possible and eating the ripe fruit straight out of the garden – particularly the cherry or grape variety! Nothing compares to

How to grow Tomatoes in Eggshells

Tomatoes in Eggshells : Benefits and How to Do it !

If you are a gardener trying to produce the best growing tomatoes possible, you have probably come across many different ideas along the way such as Eggshells. Have you ever wondered if using eggshells will help you have a healthier tomato plant? Crushed egg shells

Sticky PostThe different Pest Control For Mice Methods

The different Methods for Pest Control For Mice

The original habitat of the common mouse is the rolling fields of the country. These mice however gradually grew to depend on humans for their sustenance and once flourishing cities were established, migrated in droves and permanently settled, bringing with them a host of problems.

DIY Hydroponics

DIY Hydroponics

Are you thinking of starting your own hydroponics garden? There are a variety of ways you can use this technique. When it comes to DIY hydroponics, you can afford to choose between very simple techniques and complex ones. It all depends on what your plants

Sticky PostThe Most Efficient Organic Pesticides

The 5 Most Efficient Organic Pesticides Explained

A pesticide refers to a single substance or a combination thereof, which is used to prevent, control or destroy pests. The pests that are thus being controlled, repelled or destroyed make up a vast and varied list that includes insects to plants and microbes.