Category Archives: Edible Flowers

Safety Precautions When Using Edible Flowers

Edible Flowers : 11 Safety Precautions To Be Taken

Growing your own edible flowers can be a fun and interesting hobby that will add wonderful tastes, colors and nutrients to your diet. However, they are not for everyone some Safety Precautions must be taken. Starting slowly is the safest way to decide whether they

Top 10 Common Mistakes New Gardeners Make When Growing Edible Flowers and Herbs

Top 10 Common Mistakes Growing Edible Flowers and Herbs

Many new gardeners get so excited at the prospect of growing their own edible flowers and herbs that they leap before they look. This can cost a lot of time, money and frustration. Here are some tips on common mistakes newbie gardeners make, and how

Growing Edible Flowers and Herbs in the Same Pot

Growing Edible Flowers and Herbs in the Same Pot

Growing flowers and herbs in the same pot, also referred to as container gardening, can be a fun and interesting hobby with a huge benefit for your health and wallet: delicious and nutritious ingredients for your favorite recipes. You can explore new recipes as well,

List of Edible Flowers You Can Grow Indoors with Pictures

List of Edible Flowers You Can Grow Indoors with Pictures

There are a number of edible flowers you can grow indoors. Why grow them? The answer is that they add color and flavor to many dishes. They can also be used as a garnish for soups, salads, and desserts. Some can even be part of

The main list of Easy-To-Grow Edible Flowers with Pictures

The main list of Easy-To-Grow Edible Flowers with Pictures: Edible flowers have been used for centuries, both raw and cooked. Edible flowers may seem like a strange idea at first, but they are packed with plant nutrients known as phytochemicals, plus a range of vitamins

Different Ways to Use Edible Flowers

Use Edible Flowers : Ideas for Salads, drinks, desserts…

Use Edible Flowers: Edible flowers work great in a range of recipes, from soups and stews to salads. But their vivid colors and pretty appearance can also help you create a whole new level of interest and flavor as you produce more exotic-looking dishes, or