Category Archives: Raising Backyard Chickens

Chicken Wings Clipping Tutorials

Chicken Wings Clipping Advantages, Tools, and Step by Step Procedure

Wings Clipping is an owner’s way of saying. You can’t go anywhere. It is basically defined as the method of preventing backyard chickens to fly anywhere they want. Some, who think that wind clipping is inhumane, would rather see their chickens flying and wasting their

Raising Chicken - Precautions During Winter And Summer

Chickens Precautions During Winter And Summer

Even though it seems like chickens are fragile creatures, they have certain characteristics that can let them survive through whatever weather may come. But you have to take note that not all chickens are alike.

Sticky PostThe Guide for Choosing The Chicken Breed Based on your Goals

The Guide for Choosing The Chicken Breed Based on your Goals

Chickens are wonderful animals. They are like the coconut. You see, the coconut can be used in many ways- from the leaves to the roots. In more ways than one, chickens are bred and raised because it entails a lot of benefits. In Asian countries,