Chicken Raising FAQ for Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

Di you some burning questions about Chicken Raising or Backyard Chicken or even you are willing to learn some Tips about this topics. You should check the following Chicken Raisin FAQ.

It is divided into 4 main parts. The first 3 parts will covers FAQ of Chicken Raising for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Topics.

The last part covers a common asked questions about Chicken or Birds.

FAQ Chicken Raising

Chicken Raising FAQ for Beginner

What are the following: pullet, hen, cockerel, rooster, capon?

What are the major external parasites of poultry?

How many eggs can a hen potentially lay in 1 year?

What are the most common feed ingredients in poultry diets in the United States?

What breed of chicken is used for most commercial egg production?

Why do we measure flexibility of the pubic bones?

Why should birds be removed from and placed into cages head first?

Which of the nutrients, besides oxygen, should poultry have free access to at all times?

What color eggs do Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, and Buff Orpington chickens lay?

What breeds of chicken lay blue-green eggs?

At what temperature should most chicken eggs be incubated?

What are basic signs of good health in chickens ?

If the sternum of a chicken it is found to be crooked, what nutritional deficiency disease could be the cause?

How can you tell an adult male turkey from a female?

Where is a chicken’s crop located and what is its function?

How many nest boxes should be provided for a flock of laying hens?

How can one tell if baby chicks under a brooder light have the proper temperature?

In general, what air temperature should be provided for growing chicks?

To keep a flock of laying hens producing eggs yearround, what key environmental factor needs to be controlled and altered to meet the needs of the bird?

What does depth of body indicate?

Why is it important that the flock’s housing be pest free, clean, and without an accumulation of manure?

Predators from which you must protect your backyard poultry flock ?

What does APA stand for ABA?

How can you usually tell what color egg a chicken lays?

Chicken Raising FAQ for Intermediate

What is the function of the vent ? Is it Common to all Poultry ?

Identify four dual-purpose breeds that are commonly raised in the Intermountain West for backyard egg production.

What is the importance of calcium in the diets of laying hens?

What precautions must be taken when you introduce new birds into your home flock?

What are the differences between the plumage shapes of most adult male and female chickens?

Other than feather shape, what anatomical features are unique to the male chicken?

How do you perform a parasite check on chickens or other poultry?

What are some nutrients that chickens and other poultry require each day?

Why is feeding straight wheat to a laying flock of chickens a mistake?

What does width of body indicate?

Why you should check frequenlty Chicken feet and legs of birds?

What does ”molt” mean relative to chickens?

Do chickens ever have teeth?

What is a ”dual-purpose” chicken?

What needs to be supplied in an artificial incubator to hatch eggs?

How many feather tracts do chickens have ?

What and where are the covert feathers ?

What is the function of the comb and wattles on chickens?

What are some of the methods for verifying that a hen is currently laying eggs?

What is the main difference between starter feed, grower feed, and layer feed for feeding chicks, pullets, and laying hens, respectively ?

What is the difference between a broiler, a roaster, and a capon?

What is bumble foot ?

What is the ratio of males to females that will provide the best fertility for a laying flock, without having more males than necessary?

What’s the name of ”bantam-only” breed ?

Advanced Chicken Raising FAQ

In the part, will try to answer more Advance Chicken Raising FAQ :

Which Damage that results from having lice on chickens ?

What is the function of the uropygial (preen) gland?

What is meant by ”bleaching” in chickens?

Where does the yellow color of the skin, beak, and shanks of chickens come from ?

How long (in days) is the incubation period for chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese?

What is the purpose of turning eggs in an incubator?

Why should incubators be fumigated or disinfected prior to use?

How many eyelids does a chicken have? Why?

How many primary and secondary flight feathers do most chickens have?

Where are the axial feathers found, and how many do chickens have?

How is Salmonella Pullorum spread or transmitted?

Which two poultry diseases that can cause high mortality and are of great concern to commercial poultry growers?

Why is diarrhea a concern and how can it be treated ?

Some females in breeding flocks sometimes lose feathers on their lower back and on the back of the head. What is the cause of this?

Many starter feeds for chickens are labeled ”medicated” ? What is the medication and why is it in the feed?

How much floor space should be provided for standard and bantam adult laying hens reared on the floor?

What is ”biosecurity” and why is it important for your flock of birds?

General Chicken Raising FAQ

What is the breed and variety of your bird? Is your bird a male or a female?

Cock, hen, cockerel, or pullet…

Read our Guide about the Most Common Chicken’s Breeds.

What are the main parts of the bird ?

The main parts of a bird are:

  • The head comb, wattles, earlobes, and/or muffs.
  • The body tail, breast bone or keel bone, vent, back (saddle and length).
  • The Leg’foot, spur, shank, hock joint, and thigh.

What do you feed your bird ?

Know the ingredients of the feed and what the protein percentage is.

Source: 4-H Poultry Showmanship Questions