My favorite kitchen-friendly plants

Our kitchens are probably the most used rooms in our homes. Between cooking, cleaning and storing food, we have a lot of responsibility to keep our kitchens clean and organized. But even if you don’t have a green thumb, there’s no reason why your kitchen can’t also be filled with plants!

In fact, they can be just as effective at purifying indoor air quality as any other plant—and they’ll look good while doing it. Here are some of my favorite kitchen-friendly plants that take up very little space but still provide essential nutrients for humans:


Costa Farms Aloe Vera, Live Indoor Plant

Aloe is a succulent plant that can be grown indoors. It requires little maintenance and is easy to grow, making it a good choice for beginners or those with little time to spend on gardening.

Aloe doesn’t need much light and can thrive in low light areas like an office or kitchen window. It does not need a lot of water, making it an ideal plant for those who live in apartments with limited space and access to water.

Aloe plants are also perfect for busy people who don’t have time to tend their plants daily—they require very little care: After planting your aloe in the ground (or potting it), all you’ll have left to do is make sure that it gets enough water every once in awhile when there hasn’t been rain for awhile!


If you’re going to have a kitchen garden, basil is the first kitchen-friendly plant you should grow. It’s common in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine, lending it a sweet-spicy flavor that is best used fresh. Basil can also be dried or frozen so that you can use it all year long.

Basil likes lots of sun and rich, moist soil. Start with seeds or transplants; either way works well. Plant after the last frost has passed (usually early spring) in full sun and keep evenly watered for best results!


Chives are perennial plants that grow well in the kitchen. They don’t require a lot of maintenance, but they do need to be grown in pots and moved indoors during the winter. The easiest way to grow chives is to buy them at the grocery store, plant them in a small pot, put it on your windowsill, and wait for their leaves to grow! The best part is you’ll be able to add flavour to your cooking while also getting an added bit of vitamin C.

Coriander (also known as cilantro) has very different tastes than chives; coriander tastes like citrus while chives taste like onions. Coriander will grow tall and can shade out other herbs growing nearby if you’re not careful! If you’re going to grow coriander indoors (which I highly recommend), then you will want plenty of natural light coming into your space—this means either placing it near a window or buying one of those fancy lamps made specifically for this purpose (I’ve seen some pretty cool ones online!).


Cilantro is a kitchen-friendly plant in the mint family. It is also known as coriander, Chinese parsley, Mexican parsley and culantro.

Cilantro has two varieties: one with large leaves and another with small leaves. The large-leafed variety is often used as an herb in Asian cuisine while the small-leafed variety is used mainly for cooking as a spice throughout Latin America and some parts of Asia.

Kale is one of kitchen-friendly plants

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that has become popular in recent years. It is high in vitamins A, C and K and also contains calcium, potassium and iron. It’s great for your health because it reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Kale is also easy to grow at home if you have the right conditions: full sun exposure, organic soil with good drainage (or raised beds), water regularly until established (about 3 weeks) then only as needed during hot weather and finally mulch around plants to help retain moisture.


Lavender is a perennial that grows to about 3 feet tall and blooms in late spring through early summer. It’s often used to make lavender oil, as well as culinary and cosmetic products.

Lavender is also an excellent companion plant; bees love it, so it will attract them to your garden (which helps you get more fruits and veggies), plus it can help keep other plants from getting diseases or pests because of its strong scent.

It’s easy to grow, requiring full sun and well-draining soil (a little sand added can help). You can harvest the flowers once they’re open; just pick them by hand or with scissors, being careful not to ruin any buds that haven’t opened yet so you don’t lose next year’s harvest!


Mint is an easy-to-grow perennial that grows in sun or shade, and it’s a great plant to have around the kitchen. It can help keep away pesky insects, especially if you keep it near your tomatoes (check out our tomato companion planting guide here).

Mint also has many culinary uses: its leaves can be used fresh (they have a very strong aroma), dried, or candied. You can even make tea with mint leaves!


Oregano is a perennial herb that belongs to the mint family. It can grow up to 3 feet tall, with small white flowers and purple or pinkish-tinged leaves. Oregano is kitchen-friendly plant and is native to the Mediterranean region, where it’s historically been used for both its culinary and medicinal properties.

When you’re cooking with oregano, use freshly picked leaves rather than dried ones; they’ll have a brighter flavor and aroma than their dried counterparts.


Parsley, which is technically a biennial plant, is easy to grow, and it’s a good companion plant for tomatoes.

Parsley also has lots of health benefits—it can help prevent cancer and lower cholesterol levels! It’s also used in cooking.


Rosemary is a perennial plant that grows well in pots. In fact, it’s one of the easiest herbs to grow indoors. Rosemary has beautiful bright green leaves and tiny white flowers, with a strong piney smell that makes it a great addition to many dishes.

You can use fresh or dried rosemary in your cooking—but be careful because too much can be overpowering!


Sage is a perennial herb that can grow up to 2 feet tall and has attractive purple flowers. Sage is a wonderful herb for flavoring meat and poultry—it’s also a good source of calcium, iron, potassium and vitamin A. The leaves are used in teas to soothe mouth sores as well as colds and sore throats. This plant has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries!

In your kitchen garden you should grow sage if you want an herb that will be easy to maintain and can grow indoors. It’s also an excellent choice if you want an aromatic plant that will attract wildlife into your home (and deter pests).

These kitchen-friendly plants are perfect to keep in your kitchen

Your kitchen can be a beautiful and nurturing place, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. These five plants are easy to grow, good for health and the kitchen as well as the home and environment.


Some plants are great for keeping around the house, but they need to be in a specific place. It’s important that you know where your kitchen-friendly plants will live so that they can grow and thrive in their natural environment.