All posts by John

Sticky PostAll What you need to know about Garden Slugs

All That you need to know about Garden Slugs

Any committed gardener might suffer a mild heart attack at the mention of the dreaded words “garden slugs”. Slugs feast on many plants that you have grown with much effort and care and it is natural that you don’t think of them with affection. Though

Top Soil Quality

Soil – The Key to a Successful Garden

Soil is the determining factor in all your gardening endeavors. The success and failure you’ll get from your home gardening venture depends on the kind of soil you have. It’s therefore important to know the type of soil you have in your garden and how

The 4 Most Ignored Basics For You Organic Gardeners

The 4 Most Ignored Basics For You Organic Gardeners

Organic Gardening had became a need for healthy food. Consuming organic food not only helps you, but also for the future generation. That is arguably one of the strongest reason why more and more people are engaging in organic gardening. This article will focus on

Worm Composting The Beginner Guide To Vermicomposting

Worm Composting : The Beginner Guide To Vermicomposting

Worm composting – I am sure you have heard of it, but what the heck is it? Worm composting is a wonderfully efficient way to convert kitchen scraps and other organic materials, cardboard and junk mail into nutrient-rich compost for your garden. Did you know